The reality I have to face now is that I don't have time to update my blogs anymore due to recently undertaking long term study commitments outside of work, leaving me little free time to play with my Amiga systems beyond my beta testing duties.
I wanted readers to know that it is this lack of time, rather than enthusiasm, that is the reason for that.
I want to be up front so you know why I am stopping rather than just leaving people hanging and everyone wrongly assuming I gave up on it. Something had to give.
Thanks so much for following this blog for the past 5 years.
I am happy to see over half a million readers have now read this blog since it began, which is wonderful! This blog should act as a hopefully useful hints and tips archived website for some time to come. :-)
I hope the entries and photos up to now have been interesting, and I hope that you continue to enjoy your Amigas, Classic or Next Gen as I still do. I have no plans to get rid of or sell my Amigas - I couldn't imagine doing such a thing!
I have stopped all my other blogs for the time being too.
For now I will continue to help manage and attend the Adelaide Retro Computing Group meetings with my Amiga systems, as long as it doesn't interfere with my studies. Indeed I was there as usual last friday. So if you are in Adelaide for an upcoming meeting be sure to say hi and chat with me about all things Amiga!
I am still posting Amiga and Retro computing stuff from time to time amongst my other interests like trains, Adelaide and travel that I was blogging about, now via my Instagram account. Look up if you are interested in following - I am still learning Instagram but it is surprisingly fun and takes less time than blogging and I can simultaneously share my posts to my Facebook, twitter accounts and stream live too (and have already a few times) so I am using it as a replacement of sorts in the interim.
When my time is freed up again I expect I will return again to add more blog posts here and I'll announce that via Facebook and Amiga websites at that time! In the meantime, enjoy your Amigas!
Note that I have turned off comments for now as I don't have time to moderate them.